Arthur's Column

Last week in London ...

Week ending 18 March 1995.
Week got off to a good start with an excellent pub lunch at the Dove in Chiswick last Sunday. Great pub - seemed to think that the 3.00 pm closing laws had already changed - left at around 6pm. Wonderful sunshine - T shirts on and lounging on the bank of the Thames was in order. All that changed on Monday, however, as the weather deteriorated into rain and sleet and the temperatures dropped again. Very difficult to pick exactly when Summer is going to arrive!

Chiswick is up past Putney on the Thames - west of London. Apparently the place to watch the Head of the River rowing (watch this column in a few weeks time). Great place to live, close to Heathrow and relatively peaceful. I live in SE1 (people in London talk in postcodes) in a warehouse opposite Butler's Wharf on St Saviour's dock (near Tower Bridge). Huge apartment and suitably close to the City (central London). Butler's Wharf is the building where John Cleese dangled in "A Fish Called Wanda". Wifey spends a reasonable amount of time every week trying to persuade me to move to the west. Richmond Park is one of London's finest parks - full of deer and other such civilized wildlife. One should try and live near it ... I guess one day she will prevail ... Watch this space.

Hell of a busy week. The Mall expanded (as you can see) incorporating some interesting new clients such as TM Lewin (I buy all my shirts from them) and some interesting places like Hammerwood Park. I visited Hammerwood briefly a few weeks ago. Really interesting place. Not the typical stand in line tourist type stuff, more like come and have a look around my home. Plans are definitely on for a trip down there to spend the weekend.

Friday night was St Patrick's night. Ryan's Bar near Ludgate Circus was rocking as could be expected. First time I've seen a queue at the door to a pub where they wouldn't let anyone in until someone left! They serve Guiness which I believe is imported from Ireland (as apposed to the usual muck brewed in the UK). Wonderful creamy stuff.

Saturday brought the rugby, and victory for England over Scotland (thank you A for your kind donation). Great game, but we would have all enjoyed a try! There was some wonderful kicking however.

Now its Sunday, and I must put this to bed. This is my first attempt at a column, so maybe it will get better over the next few weeks?!? Tell your friends about it, and send me mail if you would like to comment. All hints and comments/critiscm will be welcomed. My aim is to give some insight into life in London as seen from the point of view of a South African Born Australian who now lives in London.

All views expressed here are those of the author. Micro Media accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or content of this column.

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